It all begins at the drawing board. Thought blurbs and ideas dished at the table – of what could possibly inspire our next collection. With several jewellery collections that inspired the stories of our past. So, we realized that there was only one way this one could go – up. And that’s where we intended on taking it. The team brainstormed on its next collaboration – when looking for inspiring global brands in the fashion business for our upcoming project, it came as a surprise to us when the majority called their guess out loud and said, “Deme by Gabriella Demetriades!”
The thought was exciting. Over the last few years Gabriella made a sizeable mark for herself in the business. We loved that her brand, Deme, stood for style beyond shape. The ability to see sexy in confidence was a statement in itself. Being believers of statement designs ourselves, how could we not.
On the _______, we sat for our first round of discussion. A few minutes into the discussion, the room began exploding with ideas. We narrowed down on the idea that the designs would inspire a fresh look. With its inspiration from the deep. Here’s everything fascinating we came across that inspired our collection, design and its elements –
The original muse of the oceans
1. Oysters:
• Pearl Production: The oyster’s ability to create a pearl is nothing short of magical. When an irritant (like a grain of sand) enters the oyster's shell, it coats it with layers of nacre, eventually forming a pearl. It's like the oyster transforms an annoyance into a treasure.
• Filtering Power: Oysters are filter feeders, meaning they pump large amounts of water through their gills, extracting food particles. This process also helps to clean and purify the surrounding water, making them important to the ecosystem.
2. Starfish (Sea Stars):
• Regeneration: Starfish possess remarkable regenerative abilities. They can regrow lost limbs, and in some cases, an entire starfish can regenerate from a single arm! It's like they have a self-repair kit.
• Unique Anatomy: Starfish don't have blood like we do. Instead, they have a water vascular system that helps them move, breathe, and even "taste" their surroundings.
• Five-Fold Symmetry: Most starfish have five arms, exhibiting radial symmetry. This body plan is quite different from the bilateral symmetry of most other animals, adding to their unique charm.
3. Lobsters:
• Molting: Lobsters grow by shedding their old exoskeleton and growing a new, larger one. This process, called molting, allows them to increase in size. It's like they magically shed their skin to reveal a bigger, newer version of themselves.
• Claw Strength: Lobsters have incredibly strong claws that they use for defence, hunting, and attracting mates. Their powerful grip is a testament to their strength.
• Long Lifespan: Some lobster species are thought to be incredibly long-lived, potentially living for over 100 years.
4. Nautilus:
• Living Fossil: Nautilus are considered "living fossils" because they have remained relatively unchanged for millions of years. They offer a glimpse into the ancient past.
• Chambered Shell: The nautilus shell is a beautiful spiral structure divided into chambers. As the nautilus grows, it adds new chambers and moves into them, sealing off the old ones. This chambered shell provides buoyancy and protection.
• Buoyancy Control: Nautilus can control their buoyancy by regulating the amount of gas in their shell chambers. This allows them to move up and down in the water column.
Celebrating the muse
What we came across was inspiring. When narrowing down on the audience that would be the best fit for the collection it was undoubtedly going to be the woman who commands the tide - unapologetically bold and unmistakably divine. It’s in the finer nuances of a woman that you will find the unfiltered her. Her ability to both, stay calm, charm and even be the force behind a phenomenon.